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Day 99 - I still get vivid dreams but a lot fewer nightmares Episode 44

Day 99 - I still get vivid dreams but a lot fewer nightmares

Day 99 - I still get vivid dreams but a lot fewer nightmares

· 03:52

- I’m still training for the 5k. I still have to push myself to go for a slow jog
- If I still smoked weed, it would be much harder to motivate myself to run
- But I keep reminding myself that I want to be able to run the 5k without getting tired at the very least
- And for the long term, I need to exercise for my health. I want to feel young in my old age
- I think if I was still smoking weed. I would exercise less but still think about wanting to exercise
- And I would kick the can down the road saying to myself that I would quit weed and exercise tomorrow
- Since I quit weed, I dream a lot. Probably every night.
- In the beginning, I would get crazy nightmares. Not like ghosts or demons, the common one I hear about is snakes - though I did get one dream about snakes and alligators, which is scary
- Now the nightmares are a lot less. I don’t think I had a nightmare in a couple of weeks. Instead, I just get dreams that are kind of normal. What I mean by that is that I dream about stuff that typically happens to me during the day
- And I like these types of dreams. At least I’m not getting freaked out

If you have questions, comments, or want to say hi - email me at quittingweed@protonmail.com or send me a message on Twitter @quittingweedpod.


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